We have integrity

As a business that uses private funds, the Anhui Xingmin Trading Team follows an ethical and professional code:
Values openness, honesty, consistency and fairness;
Strives to be fair in all its dealings and to act in good faith;
Takes action against unethical and fraudulent behavior;
Endeavors to employ people with integrity;
Expects its employees to commit to be good ambassadors for the
Anhui Xingmin Trading at all times Undertakes to make a positive difference to society.


Investment industry is evolving both fast and drastically, the old model of private equity and venture capital has had its day. Add to that competition which knows no geographic boundaries and the continuing uncertainty about growth rates and risks.

These trends show that only the most innovative and efficient companies will succeed in writing strong growth stories and becoming market leaders. Only the most professional and best performing teams will continue to have permanent access to finance, and to the best deals that can make the difference in the long term.


We are trading Commodities, and the Commodities Market is a constantly expanding and growing simply because local and world population is growing.

Our data base consists of companies that are end users of specific products and have a requirement to buy them; on one side and on other side we also have list of companies specialized in production of such products. Our usiness is to connect two sides.

In recent years, many end users have technical difficulties with their sourcing and procurement due to compliance rules, crediting rules or bank crediting procedures this opened new logical market place for our company to step in the middle and create specific solutions for their needs.


Our Business



We are focusing our own projects and making our own markets, creating new ideas and products that will open new markets and horizons.


We are trading Commodities, and the Commodities Market is a constantly expanding and growing simply because local and world population is growing.


Management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time.


ANHUI XINGMIN TRADING LTD provide such support and services to its partners, in form of full in- house Project Management. It is common that new formed companies and organization.


rading of Precious Minerals, Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals and minerals; some of them been: Gold Dore Bars/ Bullion
Silver / Bullion
Copper / Copper ore
Iron / Iron Ore
Aluminum ore / alloys A7, A8
Precious stones
other as well


Processing and trading of Oil derivates, Petrochemical projects such as:
Crude Oil
Diesel Oil
Fuel Oil / Marine Diesel Oil
Kerosene / Aviation Fuel
Natural Gas



Trading of Agricultural Products and Food Items in General; some of them been:
Sugar, Rice, Sunflower Seed, Sunflower Oil, Corn, Corn Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut, Walnut, Almond, Flour, Tomato Paste, Plum, Jams, Apples and many others Full operational control from our main office in Dubai.


Management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time. The primary challenge of roject management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints. It is common that new formed companies and rganization, lacking market experience, are seeking guidance and assistance in establishing themselves

ANHUI XINGMIN TRADING LTD provide such support and services to its partners, in form of full in- house Project anagement.

Company is vertically organized system with simplified control overall money transactions and easier management of human resources within system. Top Management consists of Managing Partners, below them in Company Main office we have organized several Teams specialized for: Risk and Compliance, Business Development, Operational Management, International Trade.Below this level we have structured “branch” level of management specialized for special projects only or our operation representation offices in different countries.

Our Collaboration


Integrity is a concept of consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and morals. Integrity is a personal choice, an uncompromising and predictably consistent commitment to honor moral, ethical, piritual and artistic values and principles

"Doing the right thing for the right reason"